Dear friends of the HsB, I am so proud to tell you that I got appointed the Best Blog Award! For it I must thank Anja from Meine Torteria. I am so so so so so SO happy, thank you!!!
How does it work? The nominated blog - me - writes a post presenting the award - tada! - and the nominating blog - the lovely Meine Torteria -. Then the nominated blog - me - has to answer the 11 questions and nominate other 20 blogs with less than 200 followers. That´s all!
Here are the Q&As:

2. What is most important to you in another person: the looks or the personality? The personality of course, because beauty fades with time. But I would be hypocrite if I said that I do not appreciate a good looking person ;)
3. When did you start your blog? 11/10/2011
4. Who has inspired you till now to start something new? My friends Teresa, Michi, Romina, Nils, Anna, Sarah, my boyfriend Giovanni, my mom, and my brothers.
5. Do you follow many blogs? Yes! But only the ones I really like or the ones where I can see that someone really puts all his/hers efforts.
6. Do you prefer cooking or being the guest? Both actually.
7. Which book are you reading right now? Harry Potter 5 from J.K. Rowling, Il Gattopardo from Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, and Life, the Universe, and Everything from Douglas Adams.
8. Which piece of clothing has survived the most in your closet? A pair of Winnie the Pooh underwear I received from my friend Emily when we were in junior high, so about 10 years ago!
9. Which is your favourite dish? Italian focaccia alle olive.

11. Which is your favourite movie? I love a theatre script which has been turned into a movie in more parts titled Il Giornalino di Gianburrasca. It´s an old production in black and white with Rita Pavone, an actress and singer I really like. I also like the James Bond series, and the movies with Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.
Who am I nominating?
Who am I nominating?
Enjoy ♥
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